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Membership of the G.E.C.L

& Cultural Charter

Guild of Ethics, Culture & Leadership

This course has been specifically designed to enhance the capability of Students to understand and practically apply Ethical theory, Ethical leadership, EI, and Ethical decision-making frameworks at an individual and organisational level.


It has also been designed to continuously maintain from a governance oversight and monitoring perspective, the highest ethical standards for the student through our association with the GECL.


Students that successfully pass an individual module and or the full course will receive a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificate through our association and accreditation of this course with the CPD Standards office, a global accreditation organisation in over 50 countries. CPD Across the Globe - The CPD Standards Office 


* 30 Hours CPD for each module that is successfully passed 


Separate to the course, Students that pass one module will be invited to apply for Associate membership of the GECL, a leading advocate of Ethical Leadership and Cultural Improvement across the world, thus creating an institute of individuals that are acknowledged by their peers and wider society as ambassadors of Altruism, Respect, Care and Authentic Leadership.


On passing all three modules of the course your Associate membership will be upgraded to Graduate of the GECL.


Both the Associate and Graduate membership of the GECL allows members to display the GECL logo promoting themselves as ambassadors of ethical leadership and culture along with the benefits associated with the GECL.



Associate membership Initial cost included in course fee, yearly renewal $150 

Graduate Membership included in course fee, yearly renewal $200



Our cultural background


The Guild of Ethics, Culture & Leadership (GECL) was formed because of an overwhelming demand to create a society and code of conduct that embraces the spirit and essence of Ethical decision-making, Ethical leadership and Cultural change in individuals and organisations.


Membership is by invitation only after completing one of the GECL recognised qualifications on Ethics and Ethical Leadership.


Becoming a member of the GECL instils a number of obligations that a member must uphold to become and remain an advocate of Ethics, Ethical Leadership and Culture 

Below is our cultural charter that embellishes our commitment to being ethical and equitable.


GECL Definition of Culture


Our Vision and Purpose is to be recognised as the leading advocate of Ethical Leadership and cultural improvement across the world thus creating a society of individuals that are acknowledged by their peers and wider society as ambassadors of Altruism, Respect, Care and Authentic Leadership.


Our cultural framework aligns with GECL values, principles, and purpose thus influencing a number of organisational and cultural factors for members such as Leadership, Governance, Compliance and Control systems, our Policies and Procedures, People, and risk frameworks with input from all stakeholders in order to embrace diversity throughout the Guild.



Our Values


  • Respecting individual identities and treating everyone as equals irrespective of creed, race or colour.

  • Valuing the contribution of everyone connected with our Guild including interactions with internal and external stakeholders.

  • Demonstrating Care, Pride and Passion, being authentic by doing the right thing for the good of all stakeholders.

  • Upholding the tradition of our Guild by helping and developing others to become Ethical Leaders

  • Forgoing personal gain or self-interest to deliver Ethical and Equitable decisions, that are righteous, fair and transparent.


Our Principles


Leading by example and professionalism in everything we do are principles that we adhere to and embrace on a daily basis as members of the GECL along with aspiring to a Kantian approach to ethical leadership and cultural decision making, namely it’s our “duty to do the right thing” for all our stakeholders and society and this drives the culture from the top of our Guild to everyone connected to the GECL.


Our members are expected to articulate the above values and principles in every interaction that they are involved in to remain members of the Guild, which in turn, creates the right conducive environment for ethical leadership and ethically based decisions that are Authentic, Altruistic and Equitable.


It will also create a culture of open dialogue communication throughout the GECL and wider society where everyone’s views are respected thus creating an environment of participative safety which embraces  diversity and gives people the freedom to challenge existing practices, policies, procedures, behaviours, concerns or complacency in order to create the right behaviours, conduct, an enhanced level of risk awareness, professionalism and trust throughout the Institute which flows through to all our stakeholders, regulators, customers and the wider society.


Our Purpose


GECL’s purpose is for its members to be recognised as advocates of Ethical Leadership and cultural improvement across the world thus creating a guild of individuals that are acknowledged by their peers and wider society as ambassadors of Altruism, Respect, Care and Authentic Leadership.


Our cultural framework


GECL’s cultural framework encapsulates a number of formal control systems, processes and organisational structures that allow collaboration, transparency of information, clear allocation of responsibility/accountability and a proactive risk mitigation process.

It also sets a benchmark for the conduct and professionalism of the GECL’s members.


Formal control systems


Below is List of the formal control mechanisms, agreements, policies and processes that also align with the Values, Purpose and Principles of the GECL.


Eligibility and Membership of the GECL


There is currently a comprehensive and robust due diligence process in place for anyone considering joining the GECL which includes:


  1. Successful Completion of one module or all three modules of the GECL’s recognised course on influencing the Culture of Organisations.


This enables the individual to have a comprehensive understanding, and the capability, to practically apply, and intertwine Ethical Theory, Ethical Leadership, Emotional intelligence, and Ethical Decision-making into their own values, self-identity and DNA thus giving them the ability to apply this on a daily basis and meet the requirements of the GECL cultural charter.


  2. Invitation to apply for membership of the GECL subject to review and acceptance by the GECL senior committee.


  3. Annual declaration by the GECL member that they have conformed and adhered to the GECL cultural charter for members.


  4.Any actual or reported breaches of the GECL cultural charter will be reviewed with by the GECL Senior Committee and could result in expulsion from membership of the GECL. 


  5. Specifically under the terms of the Cultural Charter, all members  must adhere to any applicable laws and other laws and standards generally applicable to the conduct of an individual or organisation, give priority to the needs of their Client’s interests and demonstrate professional conduct which includes adherence to our Cultural Charter and informing the guild if they breach the letter or spirit of the charter or are convicted of an  offence,or declared insolvent or bankrupt.


This ensures that members are aware of the risk culture and control systems that operate within the GECL and importantly, their duties, obligations, responsibilities, warranties and requirements in upholding the requirements and cultural charter of the GECL.


Again, this ensures that a sound risk culture operates throughout the Guild which boosts risk management, has appropriate risk parameters in place to monitor and mitigate culture risk and promotes sensible and sound risk taking by ensuring any emerging risks or risk-taking activities beyond the Societies risk appetite or legislative and regulatory requirements are recognised, assessed, escalated where necessary and proactively addressed.


It also allows the GECL to embed our culture throughout the guild through proactive governance and risk management that ensures Transparency and clarity of the guild’s structure, operations and performance, both externally and internally thus maintaining a genuine open communications dialogue with and providing insight to all stakeholders.


This ensures accountability and clarity of decision making throughout the guild, with processes in place to make sure effective and efficient decisions are made with appropriate consequences for failing to follow the correct process.


It also creates an environment of Integrity and Stewardship throughout the guild by developing and maintaining a culture committed to ethical behaviour and compliance with the law and regulatory obligations.

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